Our Lasers
Our center uses the world's most advanced lasers. The GentleLASE Plus® offers fast treatment times, unparalleled efficacy and is ideal for treating skin types: I-III. Our GentleYAG® treats a broad spectrum of skin types, including darker and tanned skin. We selected these lasers because of their versatility. Our goal is to treat you year round in an effective manner, while letting you enjoy Orlando, Florida's sunny days.
The GentleLASE™ Plus
A revolutionary flashlamp excited long-pulse alexandrite laser system, the GentleLASE system is the first hair removal device to offer a proprietary Dynamic Cooling Device™ which selectively cools the upper layers of skin prior to applying the laser pulse, minimizing pain and reducing thermal exposure to the epidermis and upper layers of the skin. Cleared by the FDA for permanent hair reduction in June, 2000, the GentleLASE Plus is a popular laser with documented results and a loyal client base. Visit our picture gallery to see some of our client's before-and-after photos.
The GentleYAG®
Capable of treating unwanted hair, vascular lesions and wrinkles, the GentleYAG is FDA cleared to treat all skin types, including tanned skin, and offers unmatched Nd:YAG treatment capabilities. Cleared to treat pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB - ingrown hair), the GentleYAG is capable of multiple applications. With variable pulse durations, DCD cooling and spot sizes ranging from 1.5 mm to an unprecedented 18 mm, GentleYAG treatments are safe, fast and effective. Additional information about the GentleLASE family of lasers can be found at www.candelalaser.com.
The Emvera Diolux
High Powered Diode Laser System for Hair Removal. Emvera Diolux is a high powered 810nm diode laser for hair removal. Enhanced power provides in most cases no pain and effective results. Emvera Diolux also treats all skin types. It is applicable to all skin types because it supports specific pulse ranges. It can provide high speed, and a wide, spot-size application that perevious equipment could not provide. Emvera Diolu reduces the treatment time and has a cooling device with a sapphire-tip contact.